I figured I would do my current top three NBA players. I Just felt like it. I also should have a Ryan vs Mike Internet show done soon. If you anyone wants to see a topic discussed just post it in a comment or email it my way. The NBA in mid season can be a bit boring to say. Some teams starting to tank, others thinking about it. Some playing harder then ever. I find this a way to keep me awake during the mid season.
1. Dwight Howard
I know what you are gonna say. Hey he is one of your favorite players. Yes true but the numbers and Wins don't lie. When you are avenging 23 and 15 a night and your team is Winning your gonna be #1. Shooting 60% won't hurt you either. The 24-16 Magic are playing well and just kick the shit out of my pathetic Bulls the the other Night. Also Note to Kwame Brown.. This what you were supposed to do. On another note. How in the fuck does the Orlando Magic get Shaq & Howard? Howard will be just as good as Shaq..Book it.
Howard you got robbed in the dunk contest.
Here are some youtubes that will give you all Dwight Man crushes.. If Kissing Rims don't.
2.Kobe Bryant
Kobe is doing something that he has never done before without Shaq..Win. Andrew just went down but I expect the winning to keep up. He seems to buy the fact he can't score 81 points & win the ring. No one expected the Lakers to go 26-11. Who knows maybe we will get a Celtic vs Lakers Final(I wouldn't bet my left nut on it but it could happen). I wish now my Bulls would have pulled the trigger on him. What were we thinking? Kobe's numbers and shot are down and the wins are up.. He finally fucking gets it.
Did I mention he has a smoking wife? What was he thinking?(you know what I am talking about..)
Top 10 Dunks
3.Lebron James
I know I know... Maybe he should be #1? He has been playing lights out and just dropped 51 points 8 & 9 last night on the suck ass Grizzles. But with the Cavs shit record of 20-18 he can't be any higher then 3 or even on my list at all. He is a state power house and on my fantasy team(8-2 by the way). He may even win MVP if his team can start to win more. Last years trip to the finals may had some luck in it but the kid is only 23 and that makes him scary as shit. He is turning into a great leader and that ugly ass jump shot is even getting better. Maybe once the Cavs GM gets some guys around Lebron they might start winning. You can start with dumping Larry Huges, He's junk and you over paid. Lebron Stop being a pussy and do a dunk contest
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