It's time to tell you a bit about the men that will make this blog a good read. First let me explain Sports Censored. It's a sports blog that will talk,walk and eat sports. SC will offer strong opinions. This is anything goes basis with the possible cuss word here and there or everywhere. All of us breath sports and not all the same sports but we think we know what were talking about. The blog will have a cutting edge cussing/sports talking/beer drinking Internet show(called Censored, looking for a better name) that will feature Ryan Millard vs Mike Packard. I think alot of you will enjoy the show. It maybe fucking awful or very funny. I guess time will tell. If you look to your right you will see the programming that will happen on SC. I hope to stick to that format as best as I can. Of course breaking news could take that day over or just lack of any good content could lead to anything interesting. It's always subject to change. There are alot of good sports blogs out there and I hope we at SC can be alot different then other blogs. Maybe a bit more funny or maybe so bad it's good for laugh. So lets see if this bitch has wings... Now onto the talent.
Justin Aylsworth(Go_Blue24)
Justin is the youngest of the team(17). Justin's time on the blog could be limited right now due to being mid basketball season. Justin watches NBA,NFL, College sports. Wants nothing to do with MLB but knows alot about WWE... Well that doesn't mean shit on this blog. The kid did goto Wrestlemainia 23. Justin has a man crush on Kevin Garnett and Payton Manning. Justin watches ESPN 24/7 and knows what he is talking about 75% of the time.
Justin has been to many sports events in his young life. Justin saw a old man Michael Jordan with the Wizards and has been to many Michigan football games. Justin will be in our Wed post called "Brotherly Love".
Playing experiences
-Frosh Basketball
-JV Basketball
-Varsity Basketball
Odd info: WWE is one of his favorite "Sports"
Ryan Millard
Ryan Millard is a kung foo master who knows alot about sports. Seeing from this picture you can see that Mike isn't impressed but I was. Ryan who I met at work is a big fan of all Detroit team besides the Lions who he claims is doomed for life and might as well move the team to Toronto. Ryan has been watching sports his whole life and is my partner in crime on the "RR Show" my aMAIZEing Ts Blog. Ryan's Role in this blog will be doing a Internet show with Mike Packard. it will be a Ryan vs Mike type of thing and I expect alot "hate hate Hate Hate hate" coming from Ryan and I bet alot of cussing.
Yes that's myself and Ryan wearing gay Xmas sweatshirts at a work party. I just wanna point out that a man who wears something like that knows his sports. I doubt Ryan does any to much posting on the blog but will be a treat on the show. Ryan does watch NBA,College,NFL and dabbles a bit in MLB & NHL. Ryan's dad is a huge sports fan as well. Even went so far as to flying to rose bowl in 1997 to see Michigan in the championship game. Paying $1,000 for the ticket. So Ryan does have good sports "pedigree". Ryan's hope for the show is to make Mike Packard look like a clown, it will be hard to come by since Mike can talk his face off. Good luck Ryan your gonna need it.
Playing experiences
-8th grade basketball "B Team"
-Frosh Football
-JV Football
-Varsity Football
-Varsity Tennis(do they have JV Tennis?)
Odd info: Listen to "ICP". Yes you read right...
Mike Packard
Mike Packard... Packard is sorta the fuel of the group. I am betting the best athlete of the group. He is a energy monster who can jaw with the best of them. His role in this blog with be going head to head with Ryan Millard on the Internet show talking sports topics. I will have to find a way to wrangle the two so it doesn't turn into a pissing contest. Mike will also be our MLB guru, maybe not as smart as Peter Gammons but knows his baseball. Mike still hasn't recovered from the Bartmen fiasco due to being a huge Cubs fan. Mike also watches all football and basketball and loves the evil Duke & Michigan State basketball programs. Mike will add good laughs to the blog and to the show.
We will try our best to hide the beer before Mike does a show but I can't promise that all the time. Mike does love sports though. I grew up playing basketball with Mike and never even liked him until 2004. Mike was such a dick when I played sports. He was two years ahead of me and he was cocky and had one hell of a mouth on him and I just thought he was a complete ass. Then we hung out at a Gus Macker(basketball tourney) and became friends quick and hung out ever since. At the moment we ref Girls/Boys basketball and we might be the best Reffing tandem EVAAAAR! Mike will be a good guy for this blog and I hope get many sound bites form him and Millard when they go at each other throats on the Internet show.
Playing experiences
-St. Charles 6th Grade Basketball
-Frosh Football
-Frosh Basketball
-JV Basketball
-Varsity Basketball
-Varsity Baseball
-Varsity Golf
Odd Info: Mike is a Cheers expert.
Ryan Aylsworth

Its hard to write about myself. I grew up in a house where my dad was throwing weather radio's at the wall when Isiah Thomas thew the ball to Bird on that famous out of bounds play. Sports were first. In my younger days I only watched and played basketball and was a huge fan of the Chicago Bulls. As I got older I got more into football and American Gladiators(as you can see). When I saw Howard flash the Heisman pose at Michigan I was a fan for life. I really can't stand baseball but will watch if it is the playoffs. I have started to enjoy the local whitecaps(AAA ball) baseball team for whatever reason. I have been a owner of Michigan season tickets and run my own Michigan T-shirt shop and blog. Sports keep me sane and I made this blog to talk them without any blockers or censors. I will do alot of the writing on this site, maybe not done well but alot. I hope you enjoy what us four men have to offer.
Playing experiences
-Jr Bowling League
-Frosh Basketball
-JV Basketball
-Varsity Basketball
Odd Info: American Gladiators is one of my favorite "sports".
That's everyone. I hope you all enjoy the blog.
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